Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Let The Swapping Begin!

Okay girls! Sorry to keep you waiting so long. I've been out of town for a couple days. Just got home, got the kiddos bathed, fed, and now,

LeT tHe SwApPiNg BeGiN!

Below are the drawn names. I am happy to say we have a couple new swappers!

After you find your name, look at the name below it and that is the girl you are buying for. The last girl, buys for the first girl. Here it goes!

1.) Julie
2.) Denise
3.) Shelly
4.) Angela
5.) Jennifer
6.) Hannah
7.) Caroline
8.) Jeni
9.) Ashleigh
10.) Inger
11.) Nikki
12.) Donna
13.) Toni
14.) Dawn
15.) Glenda
16.) Jane
17.) Dolly

*If you have any questions just leave it in the comment section and it will be sent to me.
*PLEASE get your gift sent out by next Tuesday!
*Once you receive your gift, take pictures of it and then blog about it on your blog. IF you don't have a blog you can post on this blog, (I will give you access to this blog). OR send me your pictures and I can blog/post it for you.
*I will email everyone with your swappee's (funny word) address so you can send it out. I need to get a few address, so give me a day or two to get those and send them out.

Let the swapping begin! I already have my "A" and one of my "L's." I am SO EXCITED!


Monday, September 21, 2009

It's Time Again for the Fall Swap!

This evening at 5:18, Fall officially arrives! And in celebration of this beautiful season we are bringing back the Fall swap. The swap that seemed to be the most popular, the most fun. The swap that sets the mood for the holiday's to come!

Okay, I know this picture is not too Fall'ish, but as I was looking for a good Fall picture I came across this yummy cupcake. I liked it. I wanted to eat it! So I used it.

Anyway, if you are in on the blog swap, review the rules and other information on the side bar of this blog, then leave your name in the comment section below. Names will be drawn from a hat on
September 29 and posted on this blog. Please send your gift out no later than October 6, so the person you are buying for can enjoy their gift during both October and November.

Gifts should be as follows:

One small gift to represent each letter in the word FALL. Be creative! You can be crafty, but just make sure it is Etsy worthy. If you need some examples of past Fall Swap gifts, click on the names below.


If you have any questions leave them in the comment section, and someone will get back to you. Start thinking of possible gift ideas! It's gonna be fun!

Happy Fall Swap!